Saturday, August 29, 2009

Erik Skaggs

As you may already be aware, Erik Skaggs is currently in Rogue Valley Medical Center in Medford, OR. Erik ran and won the Where’s Waldo 100 Kilometer Ultramarathon last Saturday in record time but began having medical difficulties later that day. After being treated with IVs in the emergency room earlier in the week, he was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday suffering from nausea and pain. His kidney function has not improved during the last few days.

Erik remains his usual good natured, positive self. He has been surrounded by many of his friends during his hospital stay. His brother Kyle arrives from out of town on Friday to be by his side. At last report, he was timing his splits as he walked around his hospital wing. Jenn, his girlfriend, has been supplementing moldy hospital food with treats from home.

Many friends throughout the ultrarunning community have already asked how they can help. One of Erik’s biggest concerns is the mounting medical bill. Erik does not have health insurance. He may be eligible for some assistance through his membership with USA Track and Field, but will no doubt require monies for the deductible and for the expected costs well above the coverage. An Ashland runner and friend of Erik’s has opened a bank account at Umpqua Bank in Ashland, Oregon to receive donations that will be used to help defray these medical expenses. You can contribute by sending a check to Umpqua Bank, 250 N. Pioneer Street, Ashland, OR 97520 made out to the “Erik Skaggs Medical Fund.” Any assistance that you could provide would be much appreciated by Erik. Please note that the Fund name should be on the outside of the envelope.

Updates on Erik’s medical condition will be posted to the blog at Rogue Valley Runners’ website, at, as it becomes available.


Annie said...

Thanks very much Ian. Well done.

Annie said...

P.S. am circulaing the word about the well deservedz donations.

Charlie said...

I've followed the blog of RVR from my home in Oklahoma for quite some time and I guess you could call me a fan of the Skaggs Bros. Sorry to hear about Erik's health issues and I certainly hope it is not too serious. Please send my wishes to Erik for a speedy recovery, so he can get back to smashing records.

Scott Dunlap said...

Story posted, check on the way, and good thoughts to Erik and friends. Let's help him get back on his feet!


Billy said...


your trail running family in memphis is thinking about you my brother. keep your chin up.

thanks for the update ian....keep 'em coming.

billy simpson

Dom Repta said...

dude. see, if you were spending more time shopping for Prada and less time setting course records this would not happen! But, setting records is the reals. get well and see you on the trails brotha!

Dom Repta said...

ps. sending some canadian funds. cash it fast as our dollar is strong!!!

Missy B. said...

Sending healing thoughts your way. Get well soon, Erik.

missy b in slc.

Dane said...

Wishing the absolute best for a speedy and full recovery, for Erik.

I too have posted a blog and hope it helps as well.

Anonymous said...


Praying for the Lord to pour life into your body and for full recovery & function of your kidneys. You're an inspiration!


PunkRockRunner said...

We look forward to reading about Erik's full recovery and our thoughts are with him, Jenn & his family.

We have also sent a check to help him get through this.

All the best.

Montrail said...

doing what we can to help. get well Erik

Bryan said...

I'll forward the link and help any way I can. Any news yet on what happened and what was the cause?

kelly said...

Passed the message on. Hoping for the best for Erik.

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