As fog winds it's way down the Rogue, through Merlin and past Galice, it floats above the river, light like a feather. The runners who convened at Grave Creek Trail Head on Saturday attempted to do just that, float like a feather. Others, at the end of the day, felt the lead in their legs as 31 hard earned miles suddenly took their toll.
The day was certainly a celebration of birthdays, but also the celebration of a new year and new goals. Some cobwebs were blown out, and the strong willed determination of many, ignited.

The S.O.F.A (as most fat a$$ races are known to be) has been a time for runners to come together in a setting not so competitive and without all the intimidation and pressure of months of hard work. Certainly some of us needed to work off a little winter weight, but ultimately friends far and wide came out to share in a unique experience in a one-of-a-kind place. Eugene, Bend, Ashland and Yreka all represented. The above picture represents the dissidents, to which the aforementioned statement bears no weight at all.

Runner's set off on the rocky slopes of the wild and scenic Rogue River. The trail demands your attention but still provides excitement for these experienced feet.

Desiree was out there having fun.
Even John Ticer can't seperate from this pack!

Shahid finds some level ground on one of the easier creek crossings.

I believe that's "Deer Blood," correct me if I'm wrong Rennaker.

Ahh, it's all up hill from here.
We saw 17 runners complete the 50k, while another 19 pushed their own limits enjoying a flawless January day on the Rogue River Trail.
Eric Skaggs 50k 4:06
Andy Martin 50k 4:15
Nick Lewis 50k 4:18
Hal Koerner 50k 4:33
Lewis Taylor 50k 4:33
Dan Olmstead 50k 4:34
Jenn Shelton 50k 4:50
John Price 50k 5:00
Eric Poole 50k 5:06
Chris Rennaker 50k 5:20
Timothy Olson 50k 5:21
Aaron Brian 50k 5:22
Jody Waters 50k 5:22
John Ticer 50k 5:35
Craig Thornley 50k 5:35
Rob Cain 50k 5:36
Annie Taylor 50k 6:36
Clyde Aker 30 mile 7:15
Anna Bates 27 miles 6:36
Max King 24 miles 4:00
Daniel Newberry 22 miles 3:27
Jim Morgan 20 miles fast
Ric Sayre 20 miles fast
Clayton Gillette 20 miles fast
Robert Hodge 20 miles 3:52
Vic Harris 20 miles 3:53
Heather Timmons 20 miles 4:00
Dana Duvivier 20 miles 4:00
Erin Keller 20 miles 4:33
Mel Baily 20 miles 5:16
Carly Varner 17 miles 3:29
Des Barnes 17 miles 3:29
Shahid Ali 17 miles 3:29
Aaron Michalson 16 miles 2:37
Tim Turk 16 miles 2:43
Tom Pelsor 15 miles 4:30

Like my good friend says, "don't jump in the water if you can't swim."