Early Wednesday morning...I mean real early, a hardy crew of Rogue Valley Runners ventured north in hopes of summiting nearby Mt. McLoughlin. Rising high out of the verdent landscape below McLoughlin tops out at over 9,000 feet. In hopes of getting a few flat warm up miles Team RVR parked just off Highway 140 at a trailhead offering direct access to the Pacific Crest Trail. Fueled with coffee, Mountain Dew, and hope the team did eventually summit and the view from the top was fabulous. Presented below are several key photographs which capture the spirit of the endeavor as well as some good lookin' Ashlanders.
Danceparty!...Jenn and Kyle break it down on the summit
Man, Kyle's hair looks good...and he knows it
PCT...the "T" got confused
way to style the NB capris, kyle.
Cool. Is there a decent trail going to the summit?
nice cut erik, who's the barber?
What's this nonsense with the tights and capris?!
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