Conditions were far from ideal at this year's 43rd annual Trinidad to Clam Beach Race. Over 700 runners braved a blistering cold front to run the 8 3/4 mile, 5 3/4 mile and 3 mile races on the northern California coast. The courses runs along rural windy and hilly coastal roads, through the small town of Trinidad, CA, to the ocean where they must ford the Little River and run the final two miles along Clam Beach to the finish line.
Erik Skaggs, from Ashland, OR, was unaffected by the weather conditions and the waist deep rushing waters of the river. He took the lead early in the race and ran full throttle across the final sandy miles to win the 8 3/4 mile race in a time of 47:35. He out paced San Diego's Pete Chenard by more than a minute.

The top ten was rounded out healthily by several other Rogue Valley runners including Bob Julian, Neil Olsen and John Leuthold who finished in 6th, 7th and 8th places respectively.
In the 5 3/4 mile race, Todd Ragsdale, from Talent, OR, handily took top honors with a time of 33:52. Joe Griffin finished a close third in 36:29, by being out paced slightly by Jim Howard of Applegate, CA, the winner of the 1981 and 1983 Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run. Emily Olsen, from Central Point, OR, took second place in the women's race by crossing the line in 40:17.

A hardy congratulations goes out to all those who finished the races in such tough conditions. Full results can be found on the Trinidad to Clam Beach Run web site.
On a more personal note: Several local Rogue Valley Runners car pooled over to the race and made a weekend out of the event. The guest of honor was John Leuthold, who's 40th birthday occurs this month. After the race we returned to his parent's house near Crescent City, CA for a crab and beer feast. On Sunday morning we awoke to brighter skies and ran 14 miles beneath the coastal redwoods before returning home. A good time was had by all.

An excellent weekend filled with runnin' and good times boys! I told you to bring water wings Leuthold.
Has Leuthold shrunk since I've left or are the trees and river volunteers really that big?
Strong work boys.
I'd like to thank all my runnin' friends for the good time at the Clam Beach Run. It's a good thing for me that volunteer was there to help me get to the rope - it was almost too late when I realized I couldn't touch bottom. It's not been easy being so small; most of my kids can beat me up, I have trouble reaching the pedals of my UPS truck and sometimes my wife is disappointed, but these hardships have molded me into the tough competitor I am today.
John Leuthold
Great effort guys. Wish I could have been with you. I'm relieved to hear that John made it across the creek safely.
Great time was had by all... Like a bunch of bugs flying headlong into a bug zapper! You know what I'm talking about Erik. Sadly we were unable to bag an Ewok or rescue a beached wale. Pehaps next time. Did you guys see how I crushed a two time Western States Champion!! Look out Hal Corner, I'm coming back (or is that Hal Kerner?).
John - For a second I actually believed that was you. And I was never going to let it go:)
good on ya bra........
5:25 pace on sand, steve ovett would be proud.
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