Looking up Park Street from the "Start Line."
Here's the Challenge: Drive, bike, run or walk to the base of Park Street (with it's intersection with Siskiyou). From that intersection run or walk as fast as you can to the top of Park Street. The "Finish Line" is where the asphalt road turns to dirt. Using the Honor System...comment back to this blog spot with your name, age, hometown and state, date and finish time. You can run it as many times as you want, we will keep track of your fastest time.

The "Finish Line."

Looking back down Park Street.
The statistics: Distance from the "Start" to the "Finish": 0.60 Miles
Vertical Rise from "Start" to "Finish": 420 feet
That's a 13.26% grade on average, but you'll find that the last 0.30 miles are steeper than that!
Fastest Time: Unknown at this point in time...this is where your name could go. We will keep track of both women's and men's times, as well as age divisions. There is no end date for The Challenge at this time. If things get competitive enough, there could be some awards on the line! Stay tuned! Now get out there and do it and let us know how you did!!!
Oh my gosh, that is awesome! I love little games like this.
I'm heading down to Ashland tomorrow for the rest of the week and will definitely try out the challenge.
Actually I hope to make the group run from your store Wednesday afternoon.
Ok, here's a trade. If any Ashland runners ever find yourselves in Portland, here is a running game you can play. Tell 'em Donnie sent you.
Alright, Hal, I'll be there over Thanksgiving so look out!!
Hal - just found your blog. Very cool that you have your store going. I will def. have to do this little Oregon hill if I'm ever out there!
Anytime Paul. From my house, the Skaggs brothers or Ian's we can have you on trail in 2 minutes and over 5,000 feet of vertical without ever having to drop in elevation.
I made you pay Leuthold
Well, on Oct. 20, me and Todd were on our way up to four corners to stock our aid station with some water when he talked me into trying the Park Street challenge. I didn't want to do it, but Todd can be pretty convincing when he wants to be so with my trail shoes and not feeling very sharp, I gave it a try and having chased Todd most of the way up, he began to break into power hikes where I was able to get by him and get up to the top in 5:05. Todd was 10 seconds behind me in 5:15. Not bad for our first attempt. I see that Eric has already run 4:56 which seems pretty soft, actually, for a guy of his talent level. I think it would be fun for us all to get together and race each other. How about Tuesday after I get off work? Around 5:30 or 6 o'clock; let me know.
John Leuthold
There is now a female time to break: 6:47. Considering I thought it'd take me 10 minutes, I feel pretty good about it. Ok, now someone go beat it!
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