Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Zane Grey 50 Thoughts ( From Montrail Blog )

(Pictures: Josh with the essentials....IV and RC Cola, Ian contemplating what it all means and Hal Finishing)

1. Payson is hot.

2. Skunk odor can linger for weeks……even months.

3. Never eat a meal known as the “Quesadilla Explosion” the night before a race.

4. Hal Koerner CAN dance…..seriously.

5. “That’s what I am talking ‘bout” –Howdy-…..if you were there you understand.

The Zane Grey 50 lived up to its reputation as one of the toughest 50 milers as the extreme heat and rocky trails took a serious physical and mental toll on the 2007 field. Most of the runners I observed crossing the finish line appeared to be suffering from varying states of dehydration and delirium. In the end, Kyle managed to take first with friends Josh Brimhall and Hal Koerner rounding out the top three. Overall, the weekend was filled with good friends, both old and new, and many good times.

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